December 22, 2010

A Creepy, yet Adventurous day

What a beautiful couple... so modelicious.
                                                                        Scary Cow
One day Came, Tony, and I went with sister JenE K to the lovely land of Family Dollar. We purchased some really attractive decor. Came even got some Buzz Lightyear socks with grips on the bottom! (Jealousy is NEVER the answer). And we got soothing chapstick for our parched lips (dried out for kissing too many boys........ duh). Then we headed on outta that cool store and drove to JenE K's office. We decorated with the decor. We shared some laughs. We got some free pens (we use them every day). The pens are extremely cool because they were free. We also met a bear named Ted... what a funny bear that Ted is! Later, as we came to a finish with our decorating skills, our friend, JP took us to eat food at the one and only Chick-Fil-A. As we were ordering our delicious food, a really creepy cow came out of the kitchen. The cow had scoliosis. He had a crush on Came. Don't worry, we took a picture with the animal. Then we ate really good food & we suggested to the manager that Laura (our waitress) should get a raise. She was a great lady who fed us mints. 
 We all had such a lovely outing... I am looking forward to the next time we can all celebrate cows together. 


December 10, 2010

JenE K is a babe.

I know this model.

1. What if Kendall sneezed on you?
Well of course, I would wipe it off with a tissue and frame it.
2. What is your favorite galaxy?
The Milky Way, it is so chocolaty and delicious.
3. Is Santa Clause real?
What kind of question is that, who do you think leaves you all the presents silly goose.
4. Would you rather eat broccoli or pet a mouse?
Sick. I would rather die, but I suppose eating non-cooked broccoli could work...
5. Why do you like Care?
 Cause she is a babe of course. Who doesn't like Cara that is what I want to know.
6. What if Care fell off the Eiffel Tower?
I would jump off it as well.
7. What do you want for your birthday? 
All I want for Christmas is YOU.
8. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 103.7 peices of wood.
9. What is your favorite hobby? Staring at Cara eat yogurt covered pretzels. Jealous?
10. Do you wish upon stars?
Only every night, when I miss 11:11. 
So me and Care are friends again. No worries. So we shall not be as slow, hopefully. The End.

November 9, 2010

I'll see you tonight... in my dreams

 Sometimes I watch this scene over and over.
 So Came asked me some pretty challenging questions and I, Care am going to do my best to answer them without getting kidnapped. Wish me luck fellow readers! Enjoy.
1. What color is your toothbrush? 
My toothbrush is blue (Came should know that because she comes to my house and is a witness that I brush my teeth) 
2. Are you a fan of Justin Bieber? 
I find Justin Bieber very handsome at times. I enjoy his music. So yes, I would consider myself a fan. Thank you.
3. What is your favorite color of gumball? 
Uh. Blue. Of course. (You would think that Came knew that)
4. Favorite Disney Prince?
I really admire Prince Eric. And Aladdin... does he count?
5. If you could go any where with Came, where would you go?
Probably fishing with Big Time Rush
6. If Batman and Superman had to compete to win your heart,,, who would win?
Superman. That's all. 
7. What is your favorite letter in the alphabet and why?
C. It makes sense. 
Care. Came. Carlos. etc. 
8. Why do you love Came?
She's nice. She likes Big Time Rush. She likes me. 
9. What is your favorite flavor of hand soap?
Watermelon. It makes me want to eat my hands. (But I don't)
10. If you had to hug a butler or swim a mile in a frozen lake which would it be?
I don't really appreciate this question. 
I think that I would hug a butler. *shivers*
Yes. I would hug a butler.  

I hope you enjoyed that.
Came's Questions:
1. What would you do if Kendall sneezed on you?
2. What is your favorite galaxy?
3. Is Santa Clause real?
4. Would you rather eat broccoli or pet a mouse?
5. Why do you like Care?
6. What if Care fell off the Eiffel Tower?
7. What do you want for your birthday? 
8. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 
9. What is your favorite hobby?
10. Do you wish upon stars?



November 7, 2010

Til Death Do We Part.


Im back! It has been so long, I have missed you Well as Care has told you we went to a pumpkin patch one fine day, and I thought I should post one of our many engagement photos. We really like fall. Anyway.
Care is done with Volleyball, which means that we both have non-athletic lives again, and that we continue on our path of being BFFE's. I have not seen her beautiful face outside of school in like a year, and when I do see it in school, it is for a split second. So basically I am going through pretty bad with-drawls...ask anyone.  
So I think it would be fun to play a little 10 questions on here so that you learn more about us...(they won't be to specific don't worry, that way creepy men won't come and eat us.)
I will ask 10 questions, and  Care, hopefully, for part of her next post will answer them. So here are the questions...
1. What color is your toothbrush?
2. Are you a fan of Justin Bieber? 
3. What is your favorite color of gumball?
4. Favorite Disney Prince?
5. If you could go any where with Came, where would you go?
6. If Batman and Superman had to compete to win your heart,,, who would win?
7. What is your favorite letter in the alphabet and why?
8. Why do you love Came?
9. What is your favorite flavor of hand soap?
10. If you had to hug a butler or swim a mile in a frozen lake which would it be?
That concludes the questions for today, come back soon.

October 20, 2010

"Did we turn the oven off?" "I think so"

                                                     Tony and Care with Bartholomew

         Hello fellow readers, obviously I have not been capable of blogging the past few months (see below post). You must understand that I do have a life that I live! 
        So anyway, on Saturday, Came and I went to the pumpkin patch with our family. It was very thrilling! It was a great time and a wonderful fall activity. However, if you visualize fun fall activities with a little bit of a frigid wind, you are incorrect. It was super steamy and hot. I think I got more tan than Came (it was easy). Anywho, we rode for what seemed for a lifetime on a lovely wagon filled with hay. I LOVE HAY!!! We finally arrived at the actual patch. Came and I went through a really hard maze that was obviously made for infants. Then we went and found some really good-looking pumpkins. When I first made eye contact with my pumpkin, I knew that he was MINE. I fetched him and called him Bartholomew. Came was rather picky and took a longer time. She finally found a very handsome one and named him Clark. He was her first kiss. We then went and took some VERY hot (literally) photos on a tractor and in a truck (which included a bee). After that, we rode the lovely hay wagon back to a barn and we ate like kings. 
After that adventure, we returned home, ate some more really good food, and watched Big Time Rush.
It was one of the best days ever.  


August 19, 2010

Let James Be James. Don't Play Those Games.

   Tender Friendship Bears

       During the autumn season, Came and I can no longer be friends anymore. Our activities just take over our lives, and we forget about the friendship that we share. This year, our goal is to have a friendship like the snuggly bears shown above. When we greet each other, we will hold flowers, and little hearts will dance around us. It will be awesome and miraculous. Amen.


My Heart Will Wait For You.

The North Pole? No, The Arctic Circle.

As you can see below, Care and I have a little troubles with butlers. . . So to overcome our fears we go to The Arctic Circle. There we run into other bigger problems such as:
$ Side-ways ice cream cones.
$ A cute little girl who shares her ice cream cone with her crying big sister.
$ Too many free fries.
Now as you can see these are BIG problems. I was so displeased with Arctic Circle, that I don't think I will ever go there again. Unless Big Time Rush dragged me there, while carrying Sinjin by his ear, and gave me a monkey. Other than that I will never go there again. So don't hope to see me there, because your hope will be crushed. Sorry friend. Your heart will wait on me this time.

August 17, 2010

Butlers. Butlers. Butlers.

                                  Look at this handsome butler.

        So Came and I have this thing about butlers. We hate them. I think that somewhere deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, we secretly love them... we just have not been successful in finding that love. Every time we are in a situation where we are in the dark, we picture the handsome face above in our minds. It is not the smartest idea. It can result in deathly collisions, accidentally relieving yourself in your pants, and having nightmares for the rest of your life. We do not recommend this.              
     Sometimes, you just simply can't help your mind to not think about the butler face. We understand 106.3%. If you cannot get your mind off that face (above), then just sprint up the stairs as fast as you can saying, "BUTLERS! BUTLERS! BUTLERS!". It doesn't necessarily help, but it's what we have grown to rely on.
   Good luck. Amen.


August 10, 2010

Tony Chestnut Knows I Love You

This is Tony. 
      Came and I love Tony. She is our favorite person in the whole wide world. Yes, the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. The world is very big. (If you don't know how big the world is, then you can enjoy the show Dish Earth- Channel 287, see post below, as Came and I do. We do know how big the world is.) IN FACT! We love Tony slightly more then we love Big Time Rush. That's a lot.
     Tony loves to follow us around and watch TV with us. Sometimes when we are sick of Tony's presence, we tell her to make us ice-cream sundaes. Since she loves Came oh so much, she always makes them for us. She is a professional sundae maker. Tony is Camiy's (Came's) Slave.
    Tony likes to make weird faces (see photo above). However, the photo above is not really how Tony looks. The computer took this photo. The computer likes to make Tony look like an octopus. You should also know that the nasty food on the pretty fork held by the gorgeous arm is spaghetti.
We love Tony. Amen.


August 9, 2010

And I think to myself... What a wonderful world.

Dish Earth

   So basically this is Me and Care's favorite TV show ever! Except for Big Time Rush of course... Care and I literally waste hours of our life watching this wonderful show. It is America's favorite past time. Although it is quite insulting to say "waste" because let me tell you, sitting there for hours watching the earth not move, while listening to a harp playing in the background, is everything but a waste! Care and I quite enjoy when both Big Time Rush and Dish Earth is on because then we have the best of both worlds (said by a very famous person named Hannah Montana.) Although you wanna know what the best part is? Dish Earth is on ALL the time!!  Me and Care like to spend most of our time watching Dish Earth looking for pictures in the clouds. Most of the time you look up at the clouds, but with Dish Earth you look down on the clouds. The most famous picture that we see that shows up all the time, is the Chinese man that has a nose like Pinocchio. He is attractive! You should go check it out sometime. It will change your life. Amen.
~ Came

Here you see Care enjoying Dish Earth sideways.

August 6, 2010

Don't Fight It

This is Sinjin Van Cleef.

     Sometimes, Camiy (Came) and I watch the hit show "Victorious". There is a really hot kid named Sinjin Van Cleef (See Above). He is really hot. Some amazing quotations straight from the mouth of Sinjin Van Cleef are: 
  • "No one can kill the disco!"
  • "Don't fight it!"
  •  "I collect teeth of past president's relatives."
  •  Robbie: "Wow, that tooth is really... yellow." Sinjin: "I KNOW!!"
  • Sinjin: "Wanna see my locker?" Tori: "Sure.." Sinjin: "I decorated it with food that I chewed, but never swallowed"
   Sinjin is one of the most attractive person that Came and I have ever seen. Just by looking at him, you know that you want to look some more. I will give you a few seconds to gaze at the 4 above photos once again. Here you go ............ 
I know you enjoyed that like I did. 
Anyway, I just wanted you to experience the joys of getting to know Sinjin Van Cleef like Came and I have. Amen.


PS, I don't know why this is highlighted all funkishly. Amen. 

August 5, 2010

It's a pillow, It's a pet, It's a pillow pet!

If you eat Pop Rocks and Ring Pops at the same time will you explode?

           So Care and me have a small obsession with Pop Rocks. It is not the kind of obsession we have with Big Time Rush, but it is pretty dang close. We also have an obsession with making our tongues blue. "Is my tongue blue? How about now? How about now?" Frankly to be honest with you, we are obsessed with a lot of things, don't be too alarmed, just keep reading and be content with life.  Anyway, let me explain what Pop Rocks are, so you can try and understand the coolness of these fine specimens. They are crystal shaped candy that look like little rubies. They come in a cool bag, that says something like...POP ROCKS! The popping candy! Flavor is Watermelon (or any kind of your choice.)
              Once you put these little rubies in your mouth, you come to life! It is like little bazookas being shot in your mouth. Just imagine a little stick man soldier who P.O.ed an entire German army. So the German army took their bazookas, and just kept shooting him and shooting him until their was nothing left but the outline of the soldiers little stick body. Yup, that is the experience of eating the magical candy called Pop Rocks. Amen.
~ Came

August 4, 2010

Once upon a December

                                            Ariel Shapey Bracelet

     Yes, it is true, I am back from Florida. Camiy (Came) missed me terribly. The poor soul. I did go to Disney World: The home of Micketous Mousious. I was so kind to remember Camiy (Came) as well as other friends as I was at the home of Micketous Mousious. I bought the ever so popular shapey bracelets that are shaped as the Disney Princesses. My favorite (shown above) is the Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') one. Camiy (Came) received a yellow Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') from yours truly. She loves it. One time, I had my Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') bracelet on when we went swimming, and I felt it roll off of my wrist. I cried. I searched. Later, I looked and saw it on my wrist. Untouched. I was so happy.
    Another time, Camiy (Came) was wearing all of her various rubber band shapey bracelets. We were trying to figure out what one of them was shaped as. It appeared to be a deformed squirrel. One of Camiy's (Came's) brilliant tennis mates took a look at it. She told us that it was a motorcycle. We examined it. She was right. It was a motorcycle. We felt dumb. 


July 27, 2010

Basically As Cool As It Gets.

Color Glow Dome

    Let me take a minute to tell you a story about  one of Me and Cara's many adventures...
   So once upon a time, about a year ago, me and Cara saw a commercial for the Color Glow Dome. It was pretty much the coolest thing of my life. It is basically as cool as it gets! I knew at first sight that I could not live normally without this luxury.  I could not eat, sleep, or even function without thinking about this (kinda like I am with Kendall, except it wasn't a boy I was thinking about all the time.) Then about a month ago my wonderful, beautiful mother took me and my best friend (Care) to Wally World. I was so excited, this was the day that all my dreams would come true! Me and Cara ran to the craft section in Walmart (row  14.) Then I grabbed that Color Glow Dome, and I have never let it go since. It was the best 30$ spent of my life. Thank you Crayola, I am forever in your debt.


The First of Many...

                                             These men drive me crazy.
     Today is a special day. For it is the 3rd day in a row that I have not seen Camiy. At all. I'm sure that she misses me really bad. And... guess what!? Tomorrow, I go to Florida which means that I won't even see Camiy for a whole week! ... Bummer. 
    Saturday will be an eventful day for Camiy and I. For my brother is getting married, and a new Big Time Rush (season finale?) is premiering. I am disappointed that I will be missing it due to wedding festivities, and Camiy is disappointed that I will not be there to watch it with her. We are poor, deprived children. :) 
   We do not understand why we are so obsessed with Big Time Rush. I don't think we've ever liked celebrities this much! It's kinda gross. We stay up all night just thinkin' about 'em. We're awesome, and we know it. 
