August 4, 2010

Once upon a December

                                            Ariel Shapey Bracelet

     Yes, it is true, I am back from Florida. Camiy (Came) missed me terribly. The poor soul. I did go to Disney World: The home of Micketous Mousious. I was so kind to remember Camiy (Came) as well as other friends as I was at the home of Micketous Mousious. I bought the ever so popular shapey bracelets that are shaped as the Disney Princesses. My favorite (shown above) is the Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') one. Camiy (Came) received a yellow Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') from yours truly. She loves it. One time, I had my Ariel (Starred in 'The Little Mermaid') bracelet on when we went swimming, and I felt it roll off of my wrist. I cried. I searched. Later, I looked and saw it on my wrist. Untouched. I was so happy.
    Another time, Camiy (Came) was wearing all of her various rubber band shapey bracelets. We were trying to figure out what one of them was shaped as. It appeared to be a deformed squirrel. One of Camiy's (Came's) brilliant tennis mates took a look at it. She told us that it was a motorcycle. We examined it. She was right. It was a motorcycle. We felt dumb. 



Chase said...

Well, that is just about the coolest mermaid I've ever seen(:
by the way this is chase, your fiencee :D

Cara and Camiy said...

Fiance? I don't think so little boy.

Allison said...

how is that suppose to fit on your wrist?....

Cara and Camiy said...

It expannndssssss!