November 7, 2010

Til Death Do We Part.


Im back! It has been so long, I have missed you Well as Care has told you we went to a pumpkin patch one fine day, and I thought I should post one of our many engagement photos. We really like fall. Anyway.
Care is done with Volleyball, which means that we both have non-athletic lives again, and that we continue on our path of being BFFE's. I have not seen her beautiful face outside of school in like a year, and when I do see it in school, it is for a split second. So basically I am going through pretty bad with-drawls...ask anyone.  
So I think it would be fun to play a little 10 questions on here so that you learn more about us...(they won't be to specific don't worry, that way creepy men won't come and eat us.)
I will ask 10 questions, and  Care, hopefully, for part of her next post will answer them. So here are the questions...
1. What color is your toothbrush?
2. Are you a fan of Justin Bieber? 
3. What is your favorite color of gumball?
4. Favorite Disney Prince?
5. If you could go any where with Came, where would you go?
6. If Batman and Superman had to compete to win your heart,,, who would win?
7. What is your favorite letter in the alphabet and why?
8. Why do you love Came?
9. What is your favorite flavor of hand soap?
10. If you had to hug a butler or swim a mile in a frozen lake which would it be?
That concludes the questions for today, come back soon.

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