Look at this handsome butler.
So Came and I have this thing about butlers. We hate them. I think that somewhere deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, we secretly love them... we just have not been successful in finding that love. Every time we are in a situation where we are in the dark, we picture the handsome face above in our minds. It is not the smartest idea. It can result in deathly collisions, accidentally relieving yourself in your pants, and having nightmares for the rest of your life. We do not recommend this.
Sometimes, you just simply can't help your mind to not think about the butler face. We understand 106.3%. If you cannot get your mind off that face (above), then just sprint up the stairs as fast as you can saying, "BUTLERS! BUTLERS! BUTLERS!". It doesn't necessarily help, but it's what we have grown to rely on.
Good luck. Amen.