December 2, 2011


Look at all of our friends...
Oh hey,
That's a cool teacher in the back.

                 Hello dear friends and acquaintances, it has certainly been a while. Yes, it has been almost a millennium... I have missed you. Yeahhhh, you've missed me too.
But Came is here.
I am filled with cheer.
That rhymes.

We bring you glad tidings of great joy,
We are still friends.

We don't like being juniors. You see, we're really only 6 years old... so it's really tough.
Words of advice: Don't give into peer pressure and take pre-calculus. Even if your peer is... Big Time Rush. Don't do it.

I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R Us kid.

But it's almost Christmas, so enjoy this.

Happy Caroling,

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